It’s universal. People don’t get s*** done. And why is this? ANY motivation to accomplish goals?

It’s hard to find motivation within people. Some have it, and others talk about it as something in the future that’s going to happen but never does.

Relationships suck the energy out of us. So many relationships in one person’s life! It’s the business and work relationships, personal relationships, family, friends, church, neighbors. With all these associations, conversations lead to promises.

Does this busy-ness halt our time to remain motivated and hinder opportunities to accomplish goals?

“I’ll get you that number.”

“I’ll send you that recipe.”

“I’ll talk to my brother and see what he can do for you.”

“I’ll give you a call.”

“Let’s arrange a play date for our two children.”

Is this the same person who just made a promise and now has no time for his previous intent? What just happened? The stream of excuses and complaints gush.

If you do not see things responsibly, you’re walking around with your eyes closed, leading to a much easier life. Or is it?

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see…John Lennon

The misunderstanding of all we see is using the wrong pair of eyeglasses if any.

It’s the dream killer. Inactivity. Arguments. Flakey-ness. Lack of integrity. Personality bomb. Deceitfulness.

It might be an ‘easier’ life for you, but you’re hiding. You’re hiding behind a tree. You’re hiding behind excuses. You’re hiding behind a different you.

Wouldn’t it be easier to make yourself accountable daily?

What is the difference between someone who thinks about a new career and starts creating action items and following through on them and the one who complains and gives wrong reasons for no movement in any direction?

The wrong reasons are the barrier driving the change in the other direction. It’s hindering movement.

What’s the difference between one who plans for a home purchase financially in a year in the future. There’s a move and a purchase as a result of the planning.

Then there’s one who sits in a rental for many years and looks at the same dying plants for years; what’s his future? You know what will happen to the plant. But what about the owner? The same sentence for his life.

What’s the difference between one who commits to action with another person and then does the ‘ghosting’ thing and never answers the phone, never replies to an email? This person does the opposite of everything they had just committed to getting something done.

A partner can’t get a couple of calls made or other ‘Honey-Do’s.’ Too hard. Too difficult. What’s the reason?

A real estate team’s name is ‘GSD,’ which stands for ‘Get Shit Done.”

Why is it that some people ‘Get Shit Done’ and others get NO shit done!

The world drives us at a breakneck pace quicker than we can grab our hands around a neck.

Once Labor Day hit the calendar, I was looking at the end of the year in a four-month segment of time. If I didn’t look at a large chunk of the calendar, firecrackers would be popping for the new year, and I’d be in awe.

It simply isn’t two transactions when you plan to buy a house. It’s much more than a sale and a purchase. The decisions between those transactions are numerous. It was more complex than it seemed. You might be saying, “I thought it was almost all done after we sold our house.”

It’s time to stop old habits and start getting s*** done.