Flatware. Nothing flat about using a fork or spoon. A knife is the closest thing to being flat, yet all pieces are named flatware. Relatively flat dishes including plates and saucers can also be referred to as flatware.

In addition to my love affair with chairs, I’m enamored with flatware. (That’s what the industry calls it so I will adhere to the rules.)

After years of finding my “everyday” flatware in kid’s kitchens, the sandbox or as a tool, I selected a pattern after I had breakfast at Snoozeeatery. The best customer experience is using a product before you buy it and then searching for it.

The weight was a little more than I expected but took nothing away from the outstanding style. Solid construction with a firm grip to hold, yet trendy. The forks are called “knorks” and are designed to cut your food with the side of the fork. There isn’t a blade, but the thinned metal somehow is sharp enough to cut through food.

Made by Knork in China, I purchased 8 place settings from kohls.com.

It can also be purchased from Macy’s and other stores.



Years ago I selected this stainless flatware as part of my bridal registry and all twelve place settings are still part of my more formal accompaniment to china. I’ve used it in a more casual context as well.


Made by Lundtofte of Denmark, the pattern is Largo. Mid-century modern stainless set.

Tonight I purchased a single dinner knife for $5 on eBay. I purchased it without hesitation never knowing when one dinner knife is lost.



Here are a few random pieces over seventy-five years old from my mom’s set of everyday flatware.

Tied and placed in a vignette in my home, they add a wonderful memory when all the pieces were there.

Look through your silver or flatware and reminisce the stories they tell.

There’s always room for another place setting, or two, or eight, or twelve.

I have over 20 place settings of delightful flatware.

How about dinner at my place?

Contact me for help setting your table. http://marycrone.com